Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Getting Started

Though it isn’t spring yet, with the start of another Phillies spring training in Clearwater, it sure feels like spring. Spring always brings new hope, a new summer on the way, a new baseball season and now a new blog.

My blogging career, much like the Phillies 2011 season, is just getting started. I’m looking forward to both. I plan on blogging about Philly sports, writing about all four teams (though I admit I’m not a huge hockey fan) and anything else having to do with the Philadelphia sports landscape. I’ll discuss other big sports issues, not necesarrily related to Philly sports, that peak my interest as well.

This is just something I would like to do in my spare time, so if posts are few and far between it’s probably because I’m also busy with my real life. I’m married to a beautiful woman, Kristen, and the father (still feels weird to say that) of an incredible little girl, Natalie, who is 9 months old. During the day I work as a senior accountant [insert "boring accountant" joke here].

But, I always find time to be a Philly sports fan. Whenever a team is playing you can bet the game is on TV at my house. I go down to Broad St. and Pattison Ave. to watch as many games as I can, within reason and budget of course. I even make it to one Eagles away game and one Phillies spring training game a year.

I have always wanted to be a sports writer, I just like talking sports. This will be my outlet. I encourage any readers to post comments, as I’m always up for a good sports discussion.

I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and my new blog, I’ll get into the real Philly sports topics in later posts. But for now my lunch break is over and it’s back to being an accountant.

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